Saturday, March 30, 2013

Extreme hot cause heart attacks strokes

Pressure of extreme weather puts a body additionally. Extreme of hot and cold will affect asthma and other respiratory problems. There also can cause heart attack and strokes. Note very people with heart disease or high blood pressure diagnosed and be physical activities outside during extreme hot. Blowing and snow the reaping significant threat to their health.

Especially you can receive during winter months. People feel the effects of decrease in sunlight and some area. Recognized by the medical community to the more seasonal affective disorder. Most suffer from this person is a woman and lack of sunlight, affecting brain chemistry and cause does not run the internal clock of the body properly. The amount of oxygen found in the blood of the Sun people. There could lead to extra energy and feel better.

Symptoms can also be different to someone from. We have over time become sensitive to weather and learned. People who like Dehumidifiers, air conditioners, and heaters not used. This causes weakening of the sense. So to expose yourself to train the body for a healthy person to deal with extreme weather.

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